Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts

Aurora Trust (2021-date)

The Aurora Trust has set up a Philanthropic Impact Investment Fund, originally to invest in businesses applying to the Ashden Awards, but now able to invest in businesses that will contribute to tackling climate change and reduce inequality by investing in and supporting the development and sustainable growth of climate solution enteprises capable of becoming profitable and deliveirng long-term impact at scale. I act as the assessor for this fund appraising propositions and undertaking due diligence investigations.

Ashden Awards (2007-date)

I provide support to the Ashden Awards through my role as commercial assessor. Applications are all concerned with aspects of sustainable energy including inter alia wind, solar, hydro, storage, power balancing in the UK and cook stoves and solar lighting internationally and all sorts of very innovative approaches. I have the honour to review the finances of all businesses that reach the shortlisting stage and have, over the last 17 years, assessed more than small and growing 200 businesses. Before covid, I sometimes had the opportunity to visit applicants selected as finalists.

Ashden Awards, Micro Energy Credits, Mongolia (2013)

Micro Energy Credits helps micro finance institutions promote renewable energy products in developing countries and, where necessary, provides loans. Often, finance is an obstacle to people adopting these technologies, so MEC supports MFIs through the process of putting the programme in place, as well as helping them access carbon finance. In 2013, I visited Ashden finalist MEC at their project in Mongolia where they had partnered with XacBank.

Ashden Awards, Barefoot Power, Uganda (2012)

I visited Barefoot Power in Uganda as a finalist in the Ashden Awards in 2012. I am pleased to report that they are still in business and describe themselves as a leader in the design, manufacturing and distribution of solar powered assets that enable sustainable lifestyles and generates income to off-grid/ weak-grid households and communities in Africa and South Pacific.

Ashden Awards, Ghana, Toyola Energy (2011)

Founded in 2006, Toyola Energy, based in Ghana, designs and manufactures efficient cook stoves. They were doing well when I visited them in 2011 and I am delighted to say that not only are they still in business but also have expanded into Nigeria and have gone on to win many other awards.

Ashden Awards, Kampala Jellitone Suppliers, Uganda (2010)

I visited Kampala Jellitone Suppliers in Uganda as a finalist in the Ashden Awards in 2010. KJS identified an opportunity to make briquettes from agricultural residue as an alternative to LPG for their coffee roasting business - and then started offering briquettes for sale to others - as well as starting to make stoves for domestic use. I met with the senior management team a few months later to review their business plans and forecasts and to offer some advice on how to grow the business.