Archive of papers published before 2020

Papers & speeches: archive

Here you will find copies of the papers and speeches earlier than 2020

Influencing public policy in Tanzania: Trials & tribulations of the Tanzania Horticultural Association

Irwin, D (2018), Influencing public policy in Tanzania: Trials & tribulations of the Tanzania Horticultural Association, Pan African Journal of Business Management, 2(1) pp. 35-54
Interest groups aim to influence public policy and, therefore, interest groups representing business advocate improvements to the business enabling environment. Researchers claim that it is difficult to assess the extent to which interest groups influence public policy. Most research in this area focuses on the US and EU and little explores the factors that may determine whether business membership organisations (BMOs) are likely to be successful. This paper addresses those gaps. It explores the attempts by a BMO in Tanzania, the Tanzania Horticultural Association, to influence reform of public policy. It offers evidence that the association was successful, though mostly on issues that might be regarded as technical rather than contentious or political. The paper reviews the factors that have contributed to its success, which include providing good evidence, preparing persuasive argument, using champions amongst public officials and engaging in dialogue, without confrontation, across government and concludes that this approach makes a difference in whether BMOs are successful.

The influence of business associations on legislation: the case of Kenya

Irwin, D & Githinji, M (2017), The influence of business associations on legislation: the case of Kenya, Journal of Public Affairs, DOI 10.1002/pa.1636
Interest groups seek to influence public policy. Business associations specifically seek to influence policy related to the environment in which their members operate, with the intention of making it easier for the members, and the wider private sector, to "do business". Scholars question whether interest groups are influential and, if so, the degree to which their activity influences public policy. Even if they do influence public policy at the margins, it is questionable how effective they are in influencing legislation. As a result, there is little exploration of the factors that may determine whether business membership organizations (BMOs) are likely to be successful. This paper explores the efforts of two BMOs in Kenya to influence legislation: In one case, the BMO persuaded the government to introduce legislation to regulate an activity that had previously not been subject to legislation; in the other, a BMO sought to persuade the government to amend its own proposals to replace existing legislation with new legislation. In both cases, we find evidence that the BMO was successful, though one BMO was significantly more successful than the other. We review the factors perceived by the BMOs to have led to their success. Neither was in a position to rely on economic or other power to strong-arm the government. Both followed a predominantly insider strategy though with occasional media back-up. Both were successful on the more technical issues. Key factors include the use of a champion, engaging across government, supplying information, and providing evidence and good argumentation.

The Kenya Chamber of Mines: a case study in public sector advocacy

Irwin, D & Waweru, K (2017), The Kenya Chamber of Mines: a case study in public sector advocacy, in The SAGE Handbook of International Corporate & Public Affairs, Eds: Phil Harris and Craig S. Fleisher Sage: London
This book chapter recounts the story of how the Kenya Chamber of Mines was able to persuade Parliament and government to accept more than 80 per cent of the proposals that they made to amend the draft text of the Mining Bill of 2014 as it wound its way through the parliamentary process to become the Mining Act of 2016. KCM was strategic in its approach; sat listening to parliamentary debates to seek insights; offered support to the parliamentary committee considering the bill; and was single-minded throughout the period from the bill being published to beconing law.

Business associations in Kenya: the success factors

Irwin, D & Githinji, M (2016) Business associations in Kenya: the success factors, Journal of Public Affairs, 16(2) pp. 162-180, DOI: 10.1002/pa.1573
Governments create the political and economic environment in which their businesses operate, usually described as the "enabling environment" or "investment climate". In response, business associations seek to influence public policy to make it easier for their members to "do business". Scholars suggest that interest groups are able to form lasting relationships with governments based on a resource exchange mechanism. This paper suggests that, at least in developing countries, a more nuanced explanation is necessary. Business associations, in particular, need proactively to pursue a logic of "competence" as well as a logic of "positive relationships". This paper assesses the outcomes of advocacy projects undertaken by business associations in Kenya in the period 2008 to 2013, considers the degree to which the associations contributed to the decision to change policy and then analyses the factors perceived by business associations to have led to their success in influencing public policy. We find evidence to support the expectation that business associations must develop a wide range of competences whilst building relationships with multiple stakeholders. The findings will be relevant to practitioners as well as to researchers and donors.

Building the capacity of business associations in developing countries to influence public policy

Irwin, D (2015) Building the capacity of business associations in developing countries to influence public policy, Interest Groups & Advocacy, 4 pp. 185-204, doi:10.1057/iga.2014.21
Supporting business associations in developing countries to influence public policy is increasingly seen by development partners as an important contributor to improving the business enabling environment and, as a consequence, to improving the vibrancy of the private sector leading, in turn, to more job creation and greater poverty alleviation. This approach requires that business associations are supported to build their capacity and engage in dialogue and advocacy. Initiatives to do this are being funded, inter alia, in Kenya, Tanzania and Ghana. Evaluation of these programmes requires that there is a means of assessing both whether business association competence has improved and whether higher levels of competence are associated with business association ability to influence policy. This paper describes a diagnostic tool which is being used to assess the competence of business associations and explores whether they have become more successful as their competence has improved. Whilst it cannot offer a full picture - participation in training does not mean that organisations become expert and success in influencing public policy is dependent on more than competence - the evidence suggests that business associations do raise their competence and that raised competence does lead to greater success in influencing public policy.

Kenya's business networks: an inside circle?

Irwin, D (2015) Kenya's business networks: an inside circle? Sage Open, pp. 1-12
It has been suggested that business leaders - in so far as they are able to exert influence over public policy - do so through their personal networks rather than acting through, or on behalf of, wider groups of business. The purpose of this paper is to explore the extent to which personal networks in Kenya give business leaders easy access to policy makers. The concern is that a few business leaders may be able to influence public policy, for good or ill, for public benefit or private gain, irrespective of the views of the majority of private business or, at least, the majority of businesses in their sector. This paper takes a novel approach mapping relationships in order to explore the extent to which business leaders are appointed to public bodies. It finds little evidence to support the thesis that an inner circle of business leaders have undue influence.

Local Enterprise Agency loan funds and investment readiness in UK small firms

Irwin, D, Pattison, S & Scot, J.M. (2014) Local Enterprise Agency loan funds and investment readiness in UK small firms, Local Economy, 29 (1-2) pp.7 - 19, 2014, with Jon Scott & Steve Pattinson
We considered (i) whether loan funds managed by Local Enterprise Agencies (LEAs) in England addressed the finance gap faced by new and small firms that are unable to raise investment capital from other sources, and (ii) whether LEA loan funds offered value-for-money and sustainability. Utilising realistic evaluation and data provided by LEAs, we found that funds had a high conversion rate of applications to loans, presumably because most referrals came from advisers and so propositions unlikely to be supported had already been weeded out, and due to high repayment rates. The level of demand suggested that knowledge of the availability of loans from these sources was still low, but that loans from LEAs were genuinely additional for small firms that would not otherwise have been able to raise the required finance from other sources, indeed in many cases leveraging commercially sourced funds. While LEA loan funds were becoming more efficient, they were not – and were unlikely to become – wholly sustainable. The high conversion rate (and low default rate) suggested that the real need for prospective entrepreneurs is effective advice and support to improve their ‘investment readiness’ and thus assist in unlocking the necessary financial support.

Doing Business: using ratings to drive reform

Irwin, D (2013) Doing Business: using ratings to drive reform, Journal of International Development, 26(5) pp. 658-667
The World Bank Doing Business results are widely used to promote reform—but they are based entirely on rankings that imply an equal spread between consecutive ranks and effectively ignores shortcomings in the research methodology. Rankings can mislead countries that have made an effort to reform can fall in the rankings even when they have improved if others have done even better. A scorecard based on ratings would provide a better overall picture of which countries are doing well and less well and enable countries to set more realistic targets for reform because they could then entirely focus on improving their rating.

Learning from business support in Africa

Irwin, D (2011) Learning from business support in Africa, Management Research Review, Vol. 34(2), pp.207 - 220
The purpose of this paper is to review approaches to providing support to entrepreneurs adopted by four business support organisations, originally created with similar objectives, in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Cameroon, to examine entrepreneurial heterogeneity in Africa and the hypothesis that local solutions are required to support entrepreneurs effectively

Barriers faced by SMEs in raising bank finance

Irwin, D. & Scott, J.M. (2010) Barriers faced by SMEs in raising bank finance, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 16(3) pp. 245-359
The purpose of this paper is to use univariate statistical analysis to investigate barriers to raising bank finance faced by UK small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs), specifically the impact of personal characteristics (ethnicity, gender and education).
A conceptual model was developed and the results of a telephone survey of 400 SMEs conducted (before the “credit crunch”) by the Barclays Bank small business research team were analysed. The survey was based on a large stratified random sample drawn from the Bank's entire SME population.
It was found that education made little difference to sources of finance, except that those educated to A‐level more frequently used friends and family and remortgaged their homes. However, graduates had the least difficulties raising finance. Though statistically insignificant, women respondents found it easier to raise finance than men. The survey confirmed that – and this finding was statistically significant – ethnic minority businesses, particularly black owner‐managers, had the greatest problem raising finance and hence relied upon “bootstrapping” as a financing strategy.
Practical implications
The study makes an important contribution to filling a research gap, given the critical need of policy‐makers to understand differentials between different types of owner‐managers. It brings new insights into its field – access to finance – and with respect, especially, to marginalised groups.
Originality/ value
The paper adopts a different approach than many prior studies, with a large sample and robust analysis, to explore a critical need‐to‐know area in a new way – both for policy‐makers and academics in the field of SME finance.

Discouraged advisees? The influence of gender, ethnicity and eduction in the use of advice and finance by UK SMEs

Scott, J.M. & Irwin, D. (2009) Discouraged advisees? The influence of gender, ethnicity and eduction in the use of advice and finance by UK SMEs, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 27(2) pp. 230-245
Interest groups seek to influence public policy. Business associations We investigate the influence of gender, ethnicity, and education in the use of external advice and finance by UK small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A conceptual model of ‘discouraged advisees’ was developed as a framework for analysis of the results of a telephone survey of 400 SMEs. We found an association between the use of external advice and the ability to raise bank finance. Furthermore, both men and black and minority ethnic (BME) participants were more likely to use family and friends for advice, whilst women were twice as likely as men to use Business Link. BME business owners were discouraged from using less ‘trusted’ sources, such as Business Link, possibly believing them insufficiently tailored or that they would provide inappropriate advice. Therefore, the findings provide support for our conceptual model of discouraged advisees and have implications for the provision of advice for business owners from BME communities.
Entrepreneurship development policy: principles & practice
The first draft of this paper emerged from pulling together some of the conclusions from the first International Enterprise Promotion Convention and was then expanded in response to a request to act as a discussant at an UNCTAD conference exploring good practice in public policy to promote and support entrepreneurship.

Investment: a guide for sustainable energy enerprises and NGOs

Irwin, D (2009) Investment: A guide for sustainable energy enterprises and NGOs, London: Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy
I wrote this guide for Ashden Trust and it was then published by GVEP International as part of a series of guidance notes intended to advise small-scale energy projects in developing countries on different aspects of finance. This guide provides an introduction to assist sustainable energy enterprises or NGOs that are seeking investment to start or expand their activities. It covers the financial needs of a business and why investment is necessary; types of investment finance including debt, equity and quasi-equity; the steps required to raise investment finance and provides tips on writing a business plan, including dealing with carbon finance, and explains where you can find further information and sources of finance

Social enterprise
There is much discussion about what constitutes a social enterprise. This short discussion paper showcases a number of social enterprises and then poses a number of questions.

How business advisers learn
According to a survey undertaken by Cobweb Information, business advisers look proactively for new ideas to improve the way in which they deliver services to new and growing businesses. Curiously, however, they report that business support generally is not an innovative as they think it ought to be. This short report was prepared for the inaugral International Enterprise Promotion Convention held in the UK in November 2009.

Local enterprise agency loan funds: a review of performance
National Federation of Enterprise Agencies, Annual Conference, September 2006
This research assessed the need for micro-finance and the ability of enterprise agencies to provide it effectively and efficiently.

Breaking down the barriers to enterprise
RSA, Gateshead, Sept 2005
Increasingly, governments all round the world see that a healthy small business sector is crucial to their economy, yet not all are yet doing what is necessary to encourage and support more people to create successful enterprises. What are the barriers to business? And how can they be overcome?

The important role of micro-finance in supporting SMEs (2005)

Irwin, D & Scott, J. (2005) The important role of micro-finance in supporting SMEs, Cyprus International Journal of Management, 10(1) (an earlier version was presented at the Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Annual Conference, November 2005)
The Community Development Finance Association (CDFA) estimates that community development finance institutions (CDFIs) have a loan and investment portfolio of some £150m which levered a further £160m. This is dwarfed by bank lending to SMEs of some £45bn. The question then is what difference does micro-finance make in the UK? Is it really needed? Or would entrepreneurs find finance from other sources if micro-finance wasn’t available? The paper draws on original research amongst the CDFIs in the north east of England, first undertaken in 2004, and updated in 2005. This provides information on the supply side. This is supplemented by research amongst entrepreneurs – to provide insights on the demand side as well. The results show that micro-finance institutions do make a difference, but also show that they are unsustainable without grant support of some kind, and suggest that they are unlikely ever to become sustainable. We find that despite growth in bank lending, there is a gap between demand and supply of finance for small firms. To investigate further, we outline findings from the survey in the north east which suggests that MFIs are unable to earn enough income to be sustainable, in most cases even to the extent of covering their capital losses – at least without significantly increasing the interest rates that they charge. Arguably, however, MFIs provide a social benefit that justifies their need for public sector support. There is considerable variation in the running costs of MFIs, though it is not always clear what is the cost of ‘managing the loan portfolio’ and what are the additional costs of providing mentoring support; nevertheless, it would appear that there is scope for some MFIs to reduce their transaction costs. An interesting question to consider is whether MFIs are likely to become sustainable as they grow larger – though in reality sustainability is a function of the number of clients supported by each member of staff rather than absolute size – but this study did not look at the numbers of staff working for each fund. MFIs should be encouraged to report against common performance measures which would enable more effective benchmarking. More effort needs to be made to promote the availability of microfinance. Finally, it is likely that the real need for a prospective entrepreneur is effective advice and support which will assist in unlocking the necessary financial support so the most effective MFIs, measured by survival and growth of clients, are likely to be those that can provide effective advice and support alongside their loans.

World Development Report 2005: background paper (2004)

A number of background papers were commissioned for the World Bank's World Development Report 2005: A Better Investment Climate for Everyone. I was commissioned by DFID (now FCDO) to write one of those background papers - Creating FDI Friendly Environments in South Asia - reviewing and synthesising papers presented at a couple of round tables looking at how to create a better investment climate in order to attract more foreign direct investment.
Real Business
Instinctively regulatory
Real Business, June 2003
I worked in government for two years from March 2000 to 2002 as the founder chief executive of the Small Business Service, reporting directly to the secretary of state for trade and industry, Patricia Hewitt (and before her, Stephen Byers). I was convinced then – and remain convinced now – that the government’s heart is in the right place in its desire to support small businesses. However, from my time in government, I saw that ministers and civil servants are all too often instinctively regulatory and that it is too easy to lose momentum.

Scanning the future landscape: drivers and challenges facing small businesses in the UK
University of Central England, May 2003
This paper was intended to demonstrate why scenario planning is important, to highlight some of the drivers and challenges facing businesses today and to provide some ideas for how you might begin to use scenario planning in your business. Why, with all the other calls on your time, should you find time for scenario planning? Quite simply, it will help to keep you in business. At one extreme, it will help you to foresee calamities that might drag you down. At the other extreme, it will help you anticipate and take advantage of the opportunities.

A policy framework for SME development: approach of the UK government
Beijing, February 2003
see further work
The China State Economic & Trade Commission (now the Natoinal Development & Reform Commission) had concluded that it was important to promote the advantages of starting one's own business and is providing support to prospective entrepreneurs in a number of cities around China. This paper was one of a number presented at a conference of staff drawn from the business support centres in each of those cities, with the intention of introducing ideas for SME development policy adopted by other countries.

Strategy mapping in the public sector (2002)

Irwin, D (2002) Strategy mapping in the public sector, Long Range Planning 35(2) pp. 637-647
Robert Kaplan and David Norton followed up their success with the Balanced Scorecard by developing the concept of strategy mapping, a powerful technique which links together the different strategic perspectives of any business. This paper explores the use of strategy mapping as a tool to develop strategy in a public sector agency and suggests a simplified version which can communicate that strategy effectively, both inside and outside the organisation.

Educating entrepreneurs
Royal Society of Arts, Dick Onians Memorial Lecture, London, Nov, 2001
Project North East celebrated its 21st birthday during 2001. As part of a year long clebration, David Grayson and I gave a double act lecture at the RSA, sharing some of our insights and stressing the importance of educating entrepreneurs as a life long activity. We introduced the importance of better connectivity, of IDEA (identification, dissemination, experimentation and application) of good practice and the need for more customised support.

World class business advice
National Business Adviser Managers, Annual Conference, Cheshire, Nov, 2001
This speech set out my vision for the Business Link network, and the network's contribution to the achievement of the SBS vision. It explains what is meant by 'ruthless customer focus', or more precisely, a ruthless focus on customers. It emphasises the role of the business adviser as a process consultant and of developing a learning network.

Women and Enterprise
Soroptimists International of Newcastle upon Tyne, Charter Dinner, Nov, 2001
Although the gap is narrowing, there continues to be fewer female entrepreneurs than male entrepreneurs. This speech looked at some of the differences, stressed the importance of starting in the education system and provided a brief summary summary of the work of the Small Business Service.

Local Government: the enterprise challenge
Local Government Association, Annual Economic Development Conference, Newcastle, Nov, 2001
This speech aimed to challenge local government to work with the SBS to turn our vision into reality, noting some of the areas, such as pro-business attitudes anbd local business partnerships where local authorities can make a difference.

The importance of incubation
UK Business Incubation, Annual Conference, London, Nov, 2001
This speech provided a progress report on the work of the Small Business Service since the previous year's conference, but also stressed the importance of incubation as a means of assisting businesses to start and grow so that they survive and prosper.

Championing entrepreneurship
European Forum: Conference on top class business support services, Cardiff, Oct, 2001
This conference was one of a series organised by the European Forum with the support of the EU. The objective was to look at best practice. This speech publicised findings from the Barclays Bank & NFEA research for the first time, suggesting that support makes a significant difference. It also aimed to encourage learning across Europe.

Promoting the k-economy
UK Science Park Association, Annual Conference, Sunderland, Sept, 2001
The k-economy is of considerable importance. Science Parks have a major role to play in assisting businesses to maximise their contact with knowledge centres and to engage in spin outs and technology transfer. SBS and UKSPA can work together more effectively

Funding growing businesses
Business Link Tyne & Wear and the Bridge Group, Sept, 2001
The SBS was keen to see a range of debt and equity products geared to all stages of a business's development.

Quality & the Voluntary Sector
NVCO Quality Standards Task Group, June, 2001
Achieving an acceptable level of quality is just as important in the voluntary sector as it is in the private sector - and like all businesses offering a service, often staff in non-profit organisations only have one chance to 'get it right'.

Stimulating entrepreneurship
Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, April, 2001
There is much more that we can all do to stimulate entrepreneurship and to work towards changing attitudes so that society respects and values entrepreneurs.

The challenge for bankers
Chartered Institute of Bankers, Sheffield, April, 2001
This paper describes the work of the SBS and, in particular, the ways in which we (then)provide finance to small businesses. It sets some challenges for the banks.

Investing in Communities: the small business contribution
Corporate Social Responsibility Group, March, 2001
A brief look at the increasing pressure on businesses of all sizes to be good corporate citizens.

Encouraging Responsible Business
SBS, 2001
All businesses, no matter what their size, are under increasing pressure to be responsible citizens. But what precisely does this mean? Do businesses simply need to stay within the law? Or do they need to go further? And if so, what should they be doing? This paper is intended as a contribution to the debate and, in particular, is intended to help business advisers who are looking for pointers when working with clients.

City Growth Strategies
SBS, 2001
This prospectus made the case for City Growth Strategies, which were intended to build on the work of Prof Michael Porter of the Harvard Business School and his Initiative for a Competitive Inner City. The thesis is that we should aim to build on the competitive economic advantages of inner city areas rather than always trying to address the social disadvantages. So City Growth Stratgeies will provide an opportunity to take a holistic view of an inner city area putting entrepreneurship and business development at the centre of a redevelopment strategy. SBS has now agreed to support four pilot areas to take this forward.

Supporting Social Enterprise
SBS, 2001
This short paper suggests a possible definition for social enterprise, sets out the need for more support for social enterprise and suggests ways in which that support could be delivered.

Lessons from RSA
SBS, July 2001
A delegation from SBS visited South Africa in July to explore how we can improve linkages for businesses wanting to engage in international trade and also to look at a range of small business support programmes

Shaping the Future: Building a big future for small business
University of Exeter, November, 2000
This speech is the first in a series of three organised during the year by Exeter University. It considers societal attitudes to small business, the challenges faced by small businesses and the role of the Small Business Service in assisting small businesses.

B2B or not 2B, that is the question
Institute of Business Advisers, October, 2000
This speech considers some of the massive changes being brought about by developments in the internet, describes some of the challenges facing small businesses and makes suggestions for advisers.

Seven ages of entrepreneurship

Irwin, D (2000), Seven ages of entrepreneurship, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 7(3), pp. 255-250
Current government policy is to encourage more businesses to grow. Access to resources – financial, human and physical – are often cited as the principal barriers to the growth of small firms. The attitudes of owner‐managers, however, are equally important, with many owner‐managers deliberately avoiding growing their businesses beyond their capacity personally to manage the business. Attitudes change as businesses develop; a skilled consultant can act as catalyst to overcome cultural barriers and, consequently, to the growth of businesses. This paper examines the cultural barriers which might inhibit the growth and development of a new enterprise and offers a model to show how those barriers separate seven stages of entrepreneurial development. It highlights the role of the consultant in moving through the stages.

Challenges for Business in 2002
Foundation for SME Development, Durham University, May, 2000
To mark the launch of the new Foundation for SME Development at Durham University, a number of speakers looked at some of the key issues facing small and growing businesses. I looked specifically at some of the challenges small businesses are likely to face.

Business Development Services and Micro-finance
Gatsby Foundation, Entebbe, May, 2000
The UK based Gatsby Charitable Foundation has supported the establishment of Gatsby Trusts in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Cameroon. They are all assisting small and growing businesses. This speech was a contribution to a debate about whether business support organisations can provide advice and training as well as micro-finance without compromising one or the other.

Lessons from America
SBS, May 2000
I visited the USA to visit the Small Business Administration, but also took the opportunity to visit some other projects including the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City.

Vision for the Small Business Service
Local Government Association, March, 2000
This speech set out the initial aims for the Small Business Service

The Growth of Youth Entrepreneurship in the UK
OECD, Rome, 16 November 1999
This paper traces a little of the history of youth enterprise support in the UK and provides some up to date figures regarding attitudes towards starting in business

Funding start-ups and early growth
Institute of Business Advisers, Annual Conference, 24 October 1999
This paper looks briefly at some of the sources of funds available to businesses in their early development, concentrating on the importance of equity. It concludes with ten practical lessons for business advisers.

Our digital future
This address was given to the Milton Keynes Chamber in early 1999. It highlights some of the expected changes technology will bring and explores implications for small businesses

Profit through people
Investors in People UK
This paper is based on a lecture given on a number of occasions to SMEs to encourage them to think about the importance of developing their staff and, in particular, the role that Investors in People can play in providing a suitable framework.